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Deacon Nominations

At our April Church Conference, our church adopted a new procedure for electing deacons beginning with this year's election. The first step in the new process will occur during the two-week period from Sunday, April 21 to Sunday, May 5 when members of our church are invited and encouraged to nominate those whom they believe would be good candidates to serve in that capacity for the coming term of service.


Please carefully note the eligibility requirements and the qualifications of those elected to serve.


There are two ways to submit the forms: online or in-person at the church. To nominate online, click the link below. To nominate in-person, written forms will be available in the major entry areas to the church and can be submitted in one of two secure lock boxes: one placed in the Welcome Center, the other in the Sanctuary foyer. You may nominate as many candidates as you choose, but please use one form for each individual nominee.


Nominations will close on Sunday, May 5. After confirming the eligibility of each person nominated, the Committee on Deacon Nominations (CDN) will invite all those who have been nominated to an informational meeting. At this meeting, responsibilities and qualifications of deacons will be outlined, questions will be answered and candidates will have the opportunity to indicate if they are willing to serve if recommended by the CDN and elected by the church.


Those eligible for election must be at least 21 years of age, have been a church member for no less than one year, and must be on the active church roll. Deacons who are rotating off will not be eligible for election for one year. Deacons serving unexpired terms will be eligible for re-election. Staff members and their immediate family (parents, children, spouses, and siblings) will be ineligible for election. While we recognize we are all flawed, imperfect people, in constant need of God’s grace, we ask that as a spiritual leader, a deacon of Earle Street Baptist church should strive to be:


  • A committed follower of Christ, growing toward a mature faith

  • Actively involved and participating in the life of the church, using one’s gifts through appropriate

    service in the church

  • Committed to seeking God’s vision for the church, have the interest of the whole church at heart,

    and working to help the church carry out its vision and mission

  • A peacemaker within the congregation, seeking unity in Christ

  • Demonstrating a life of positive personal witness to all they meet

  • Demonstrating a consistent witness in their home life

  • Practicing stewardship of time, talents, testimony, and treasure

  • Temperate in all areas of one’s life


(Scriptural basis for deacon ministry: Acts 6:1-4; Romans 12:1-8; Romans 16:1-2; 1 Timothy 3:8-13)

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